When is rent due and who do I make the check payable to?

Your rent is due on the first of every month. Payments are to be made payable to Midland Properties, LLC, and can be paid online, or delivered by dropping in the 24-hour RENT DROP located outside the resident manager’s office. If rent is not paid by the end of the 3rd day of the month, a late fee will be charged.

What if my apartment needs repair?

Maintenance requests can be submitted online, or by emailing us at, or by completing a Maintenance Request form available outside your resident manager’s office and drop in the RENT DROP.

What if I have an emergency?

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 (example: injury, fire, flood, etc.). If you are experiencing a maintenance emergency that cannot wait to be repaired until the next business day (example: broken water pipe that’s flooding, your unit has no electricity, etc.) call your resident manager, or call the property management office at 858-384-2008.

What if I am locked out of my apartment?

If you are locked out of your apartment contact your resident manager. If the resident manager is unavailable, you will need to contact a locksmith at your own expense.

What if I want to move out?

If you are not bound by a lease agreement you may give 30-day written notice of your intent to vacate. Please have all residents listed on your lease agreement sign the notice, and forward it to property management.

What if I want to add a roommate?

Please put your request in writing to add a roommate, and forward it to the resident manager for approval. Before a roommate can move in, they must submit an application, pay the screening fee, and if their application is approved, they, along with the remaining residents, must sign an addendum to add them to the Lease/Rental Agreement.

What is a security deposit?

A Security Deposit is used to reimburse the property owner for costs associated with a resident’s default in rent, for repair of damages to the unit beyond normal wear and tear, and for cleaning to restore the unit to its original condition prior to moving in. Within 21 days after vacating, the tenant will receive a Disposition of Security Deposit itemizing any deductions for the Security Deposit, and returning any remaining portion.

Can a security deposit be used for last month’s rent?

No. A resident must pay their regular rent during their last month of tenancy. However, a landlord may use the security deposit if the resident defaults by not paying all of their rent before moving out.

What if I want to install a satellite dish?

Before you install a satellite dish please contact your resident manager. There are lawful restrictions on the size and where the satellite dish can be located. Please consult your Rental/Lease Agreement or the resident manager for details.

Can I paint the walls in my apartment a different color?

Making any changes to your unit is prohibited without prior written approval. Contact your resident manager before painting or making any alterations or changes to your unit. Upon vacating you will be charged for painting the wall back to its original color.

Can I get a pet?

At most of our properties pets are prohibited. Check with your resident manager before acquiring a pet. Pets are prohibited due the unit damage, noise, and nuisance complaints pets can cause.

Can I smoke in my apartment?

California law allows landlords to prohibit smoking at apartment buildings, including inside individual units. Before smoking inside our outside your unit, please check your Lease/Rental Agreement, or consult your resident manager to find out what the smoking policy is at your property.

What if my smoke detector starts beeping?

A chirping sound indicates a low battery or dirty sensor. Submit a maintenance request online, or complete a Maintenance Request form available outside your resident manager’s office, and drop in the RENT DROP. If the alarm is sounding off uncontrollably and causing a causing a nuisance, contact your resident manager immediately.

Who pays for repairs to my unit?

If a repair is required beyond normal wear and tear and was caused by direct action of a resident or guest, the resident is responsible for the cost of the repair. The resident is also responsible for changing light bulbs.

Should I get Renters’ Insurance?

Midland Properties carries insurance; however our insurance does not protect the resident’s personal property. If a resident’s unit is flooded, suffers fire damage, or is burglarized, the resident is responsible for replacing their damaged or stolen personal property. Renters’ Insurance will replace the resident’s damaged or stolen property, plus provides liability protection if someone is injured inside their unit. Most policies cost around $200 per year, and can be purchased online or from a local insurance agent. Here is additional renters’ insurance information:

Renters Insurance Information – National Apartment Association
Renters Insurance Information – Department of Insurance
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